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Life Reflections

Kudos to foreign observers condemning idolisation of terrorists against Rwanda!

By September 25, 2021June 6th, 2023No Comments

September 24, 2021

“Rusesa-whatever-he-sesas” is now tucked away and Rwandans can be spared the daily painful reminder of the loss of their loved ones. He and his sponsored troop of terrorists, may they cool their backsides in the cage in peace, their names forgotten; no longer offending Rwandans’ sensibilities!

They were given shorter jail sentences than many prayed for but those are enough warning to all that spilling Rwandan blood has far-from-glorious consequences.

Foreign hecklers who’ve been ranting and raving about this creature “hero” of Hollywood may keep up the callous cadence for a while but know that it’ll be for but a while. With their memory known to be shorter than their heckling tongues, soon they’ll tire and forget all!

No doubt, among them there is a longer witted one who may come up with the bright idea of “creating” a new one. In fact, the way one has been jeering louder than the loudest scrub-bird, there might be a new “heroine” in the person of an adopted daughter on the production line already.

Well, if the adopted daughter chooses the way of adopter-father, she’ll do well to keep in mind that private jets are still flying trans-continental and champagne houses are not about to run out of stock any time soon.

That aside, the more painful knife-twist in the wound has been that the national and continental media outlets have allowed themselves to be drawn in and strew around the name of that terror-sponsor. Sponsors of death, their names should not be allowed to soil our cultural etiquette.

About that “etiquette”, the national media should especially know that that sponsor’s name celebrates his intended terror crime. To scatter or, more ominously, to put asunder or annihilate Abagina, honourable offspring of the ancestors of this land. Sing not about that sponsor’s dishonourable name.

Back to hecklers of the global North. It’s interesting how out of 21 of their beloved terrorists, they seem to see only one. But then again, since they like these terrorists, they understandably eulogise the worst of them.

You saw how, as soon as the verdict of their “hero’s” case was read, the hecklers hit “protest buttons” with a bang. Still, I sensed a soon-to-be death with a whimper.

You all must have noticed that the protests were muted. Only two of the heckling governments seemed to gather the courage to shout most stridently, using the shallow excuse of the culprit having been their citizen or their permanent resident.

As President Kagame has perennially asked, if this galoot is their citizen or permanent resident, then what the freaking heck was he doing sponsoring death in Rwanda?

Or maybe the megalomaniac jack was trying to be “hegemonic”, following in the steps of the country for which he is permanent resident, the way it has bombed some countries of the South into shambles?

However, Belgium first, that “coalition of chaos”, as someone has described European “democracies”: “The presumption of innocence was not respected… These elements de facto call into question the trial and the judgement.”

“Call into question,” hah! Will its institutions that contributed to the investigation of the case be “called into question”, too? But maybe with that “chaos” that marks the government, the quoted deputy PM and foreign affairs minister may be unaware!

Seemingly, she is at sea about many things, otherwise she’d not talk innocence or aid to Rwanda. Her country is at the root of all the miseries this country has had to suffer all these hundred-plus years. And while at that, does she know that her country lost brave soldiers in those sorrows it sowed?

Whatever the case, in “call into question”, which country was Belgium parroting?

You guessed right: “The United States is concerned by…Rwanda’s conviction of… lawful permanent resident…reported lack of fair trial….calls into question…” This, after its departments obliged Western Union to avail information on the culprit’s money transfers to his sponsored terrorists.

But doesn’t Guantanamo call into question many things? Don’t the many wrongs …?

No, don’t get it wrong: Rwanda has never sought and will never seek any moral equivalence or justification. With and to morally bankrupt entities? Nah!

Rwanda does her things in her own, unique and always moral way.

Belgium, USA, “bizarre” does not start to describe your double standards!

These hecklers should discard their sterile polemics and work with other countries, big or small, rich or poor, first world, second or third, to build a strong shared world. They’ll know the futility of these polemics when time comes that the boot is put on their heads – by a ‘second-worlder’ to the east? – and there’s nary a one to sympathise with them.

Innocent lives are snuffed out and they lionise the villain-sponsor of that heinous act into “hero”; cry foul when he is nabbed and put in the cooler?

For once, hecklers of the North, do the noble thing: extradite those génocidaires you so tenaciously harbour. Rein in your sponsored so-called ‘independent’ advocacy groups and individuals and give Rwanda a break to breathe her free, fresh air!

Happily, though, many citizens of your lands have seen through all this wickedness and are speaking out in its condemnation, in their big numbers. Kudos to them all!

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